BRUSHOBi System: Success!
Enjoy a little humor in the official game story of “BRUSHOBi System Painting Card Game”. Created by Rashaun Smith.
Chapter 1: BRUSHOBi isle
“Close the door the meeting is in session.” Says Mitchell Steely. “We have here a new milestone for BRUSHOBi System, there are ten million yes ten million new BibleLoving Versists of BRUSHOBi System as of today!
“Why do you test me with your failures Mitchell? You know that’s not the milestone you promised us- what happened to the 12 million Versist you promised us- you and Rashaun?” Says Donny Dee.
“…but Donny…” Cries Mitchell.
“But what?” Donny Dee says beaming at Mitchell then at Rashauns empty meeting seat. “And where’s Rashaun?!!”
“Hey, everybody.” Rashaun Smith says as he bursts into the room. “You heard the good news right? Ten million new BibleLoving Versists! BRUSHOBi System is on point…”
“No Rashaun things are not on point. And I speak for all members here at BRUSHOBi isle the headquarters of BRUSHOBi System Company when I say enough is enough! You and Mitchell promised us 12 million new BibleLoving Versists by the beginning of today and where are we with that number? Just ten million?!! And how can we expect that we will grow and help the people if you don’t act more seriously? How can we believe “BRUSHOBi System Loves The Bible” when our founder isn’t serious?!! This is outrageous!” Donny Dee Screams.
The room erupts into argument some for or against Donny Dees suggestion but all taking sides.
Rashaun Smith sees the panic and danger this could pose to the BRUSHOBi System World and glances at Mitchell who tried to cover for him. But instead says to everyone at the company meeting: “It’s cool”.
One long time member at BRUSHOBi isle speaks up. “Donny Dee is right. This is not a single isolated incident Rashaun as our founder has consistently let us down, leading us to failure. If this problem is not resolved in the next 5 minutes I’m gone.”
Donny Dee and the others have conflicting reactions threatening the unity of BRUSHOBi isle and ultimately the whole BRUSHOBi System World.
Rashaun has to think fast and in the heat of the moment to save the unity he says, “Ok ok I can fix this! I’m gifting each one of you today a card from a deck I was building called ‘Wisdom of the Aged’ because we value the wise work you have all done for BRUSHOBi System Painting Card Game… and…..”
Everyone looks to Rashaun with hope…
“I quit.”
People faint.
“That’s outrageous!” Some claim. “When do you pack?” Others respond. Yet, eventually all accept it.
Some time later Mitchell meets Rashaun outside.
“Are you sure about this Rashaun?” Mitchell asks.
“Mitchell, I got this. Maybe it’s best for the BRUSHOBi System World and Company. I know what I did was unexpected but it could be for the best.”
“Well, just know I’m here for you Rashaun. Your sacrifice is commendable and it might save the company in the end…”
“Thanks Mitchell. I know you’re here for me.”
Mitchell smiles and walks a little with Rashaun toward the outer gates of BRUSHOBi isle the headquarters of BRUSHOBi System Company.
Rashaun stops. “I have to tell you something Mitchell..”
“What is it…?”
Mitchell and Rashaun reach closer to whisper something in Mitchell’s ears. Rashaun whispers. “I didn’t really quit…”
“I didn’t really quit…”
“I know, I know. I heard you but what? WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DIDN’T REALLY QUIT?!”
“Yeah, see, I just said that to calm Donny and the rest of the members down. I’ll just return tomorrow or a few days later like nothing happened. They’ll forget the whole thing and I’ll resume my role in the company.”
“Oh, that’s great-“
“-Genius, huh?”
“There’s just one problem, Rashaun.”
“What problem is that?”
“You stepped outside of Company grounds and you’ve said you quit. Security won’t let you in until you have achieved the honor of 1,000 unlocked personal achievements!”
“WHAT? Who made up such a strict rule…?”
“Security!” Says the company head of security. “Take him away!”
Rashaun runs to hide. Then bumps into a girl.
“Please, quick- I have to hide!” Rashaun says to her.
Without thinking they run into a BRUSHOBi System Stadium….
“Wait a minute! I know who you are- Rashaun? Founder of BRUSHOBi System? No way…!” She says.
Rashaun sees as the guards lose him. He breathes a sigh of relief. “Yeah, I’m Rashaun.” He says.
“I can’t believe it. This is...” She thinks to herself. “Wait, I can use this moment to achieve a whole new BRUSHOBi System Personal Achievement!”
“I challenge you to a BRUSHOBi System Painting Card Game verseoff!” She demands.
“Look, lady….”
“Sarah.” She says to Rashaun to let him know her name is Sarah.
“Ok. Sarah, it’s not the time to….”
“Do it or I’ll call security.”
“Ohhh… Well let’s not be calling security.” Rashaun speaks as her words shock him to the core.
“Just a verseoff, huh?” Then Rashaun remembers he needs to unlock the honor of 1,000 personal achievements. Which can be unlocked by versing off in BRUSHOBI System Painting Card Game. This could be the first steps in reclaiming his role in his company.
“This is going to be easy.” Rashaun thinks to himself. “How can a girl beat me, in my own game? She doesn’t know what’s coming!”
Sarah thinks to herself “Now I will unlock a personal achievement card for playing against and possibly winning against a powerful versist like Rashaun.” Both step up and into the play court of the BRUSHOBi System Stadium a machine about the size of a stage that bring the cards of BRUSHOBi System Painting Card Game to life.
“Are you ready to be beat by a girl!” Sarah grins.
Unamused Rashaun replies, “I’ll show you! I’ll take you on in a BRUSHOBi System Painting Card Game verse off! Let’s begin!”
“What, I lost! Let’s try again!”
“Wait, I wasn’t ready. Let’s do it again”
“This time, I’ll be serious.”
Rashaun is dismayed by his own performance.
Sarah giggles, “I guess I’m better than I thought. Versing off with you was awesome! Now I have… ”
“Wait! (I’ve got the world’s best deck, how can I lose? It’s just a matter of time until..) I will win this time, Sarah! Let’s go again.”
“Again? Well…”
Rashaun is determined saying, “Again.”
Sarah agrees, “Let’s begin.”
“You know the rules: first one to have no cards in his deck and 4 or less cards in his hand at the end of his turn wins the game, or at the end of his turn have a score of 26 or more WinningReserve Marks, unless a card effect has another win condition. WinningReserve Marks are measured by how many cards are in your Winnings Pile. If by the end of your turn you have 26 or more WinningReserve Marks (which means 26 cards or more in your Winnings Pile) you win the game..” says Rashaun.
Both players start with a 30 card deck and 0 WinningReserve marks. Both players draw 5 cards into their hands.
“I decide who goes first since I won the last few matches. So, I’ll go. I call the fastest Effect Force of 5 cards that must be summoned. I place all 5 cards in my hand facedown in my BRUSHOBi zone.” says Sarah.
“I also place all five cards in my hand facedown in the BRUSHOBi zone which is a part of the playing area.”
After each player put their cards facedown, they flip them face-up.
“I flip all five cards in my BRUSHOBi zone face-up! And I trigger the BRUSHOBi effect of my “9 Effect Force Card: Cat Landia”.” Sarah says confidently.
“I’m not afraid of cats! What can they do to me?”
“My cats are like family to me, I love them and paint them on my cards… something you know nothing about. Now my ‘9 Effect Force Card: Cat Landia’ allows me to count all my cards as always having zero effect force as long as this card remains in the BRUSHOBi zone. This card stays in the BRUSHOBi zone forever unless a BRUSHOBi effect stops it.”
“Oh please, I have something better than
“What? No! I flip all my cards in the BRUSHOBi zone face-up and -oh wait all my cards are strength based.”
Sarah joyously replies, “I add up all 5 of my cards effect force and thanks to my “Cat Landia” my cards will always equal zero total effect force. Since I called the fastest cards for this round and the lower the effect force on the card the faster it is, I win the round.”
Sarah’s score rises to 4 WinningReserve Marks.
“So I lose the round, Sarah. So what? At least it’s my turn to go next. I call the strongest Effect Force of 5 cards.”
Both players place 5 cards facedown in the BRUSHOBi zone.
Rashaun self-assured says, “I’ll show you the true power of my deck, Sarah! I flip my ‘9 Effect Force Card: Rock Gottem’ face-up and trigger it’s BRUSHOBi effect. Triggering my cards BRUSHOBi effect allows me to switch my Winnings Pile with my deck. As you know already Sarah, I have zero cards in my Winnings Pile. That means after switching my Winnings Pile with my deck, I now have zero cards in my deck. Which means I’m closer to winning! Take that!”
Rashaun’s score rises to 25 WinningReserve Marks. One more move like that and he wins the game.
Sarah looking unimpressed says, “That’s nice and all but rocks are your family? You’re supposed to paint family or friends on your cards, but why did you paint rocks? And you’ve done that move the first four times we versed off…”
“Oh.” He says annoyed and partly ignoring her question.
“…..and I always win. I trigger the BRUSHOBi effect of my “8 Effect Force Card: Time Machine Cat”. This cards BRUSHOBi effect forces one of my opponents to undo one of their BRUSHOBi effects. So I choose to undo the BRUSHOBi effect of your “9 Effect Force Card: Rock Gottem”. Now you have zero cards in your Winnings Pile and the majority of your cards in your deck of ‘rocks’”. Sarah says.
Rashaun’s score now falls to 0 WinningReserve Marks.
“Well, I still have the strongest cards this turn that was called. That means I win in that way. And I’ve ignored your question long enough- Rocks remind me of strength, something I want all my friends and family to have, unlike your cats.” Rashaun says. His score is now at 5 WinningReserve Marks.
“A family with the strength of rocks, huh? Whatever you say Rashaun! My turn! I play my “8 Effect Force Card: Dumpster Cat” and trigger it’s BRUSHOBi effect. This cards BRUSHOBi effect allows me to place all my deck into my Winnings Pile. This means all I need now is to get rid of two more cards in my hand to win the game.” Her score soars to a surprising 24 WinningReserve Marks.
“No! That means….”
“…Yes, All I need to do is win one more round… And it’s still my turn, Rashaun. Your strength is calling strong cards but my strength is dominating with fast cards. “
“No! No! I can’t lose again!”
Sarah grins, “I call the fastest Effect Force of 5 cards.”
“I have no fast cards!” Rashaun replies.
“I do! I have no cards in my hand And since I have no cards in my deck and just put four cards in my Winnings Pile leaving me with my, ‘9 Effect Force Card: Cat Landia’, in my BRUSHOBi Zone I win the game.” Sarah’s final score rises to 29 WinningReserve Marks. A powerful win.
“How could I lose against a girl in my own game!” Rashaun says dumbfounded.
“Look, Marlene…
“Ok Sarah. We are going to have to go again.”
“I’ve already unlocked and achieved five ‘Onyx Personal Achievement Cards: Powerful Champion’ I’ve unlocked these for winning against a powerful versist like yourself in our last five matches. An Onyx Personal Achievement Card is the hardest achievement to unlock, a Sapphire Personal Achievement Card is moderately difficult, then a Pearl Personal Achievement Card is the easiest achievement to unlock. It’s a great honor to unlock these achievements.”
“But Marlene…”
“SARAH!!” Shouts Sarah to Rashaun.
“I hear something over here!” As security rushes into the building. “I see him. Get Rashaun!” This time there was nowhere to run.
“Oh, no...”
And thus, Rashaun Smith was thrown out the limits of BRUSHOBi isle the headquarters of the BRUSHOBi System Company, and made to dwell among the people.